"There is something unclear between me and my daughter", she toled me
We make the choice to reincarnate as mother and daughter in order to learn new things, but sometimes memories from past lives hold us back a
"There is something unclear between me and my daughter", she toled me
There are people whose spiritual goal, their life lesson, is to experience feeling misfortunate and a lack of love, to feel unworthy and invisible, and more
I see my mother differently
What hide behind the feeling that she is fat and that this experience is not hers?
How many Soul contract do we have with one person?
I don’t love my children the same way
Parental Guidance and Channeling Don’t Really Go Together! (?)
Energetic Healing and Parenthood guidance
I don’t whant to Yell and be Angry like my Mother
When You Have Problematic Feelings toward your Children